Real meditation is not about self-improvement
The real meditation or yoga isn't about getting a perfect physical, mental or spiritual health. No, it is not about a perfect body posture. The end goal is not concentration, control or efficiency. It is not even being blissful at all times. Some of these things can happen on the way but they are not the end goals. It helps to develop daily habits that are kind to the body and mind. But self-compassion is also not the only goal of meditation.
Real meditation is about "making every home a happy home" as a wise Aghori in India once said. A meditator, a yogi, a spiritual seeker or person of faith lives for the healing of the whole community.
Taking care of community doesn't mean we have to leave our own unhealed parts behind. We don’t achieve collective healing at the cost of our healing. We also don’t achieve individual healing at the cost of collecting healing. They BOTH need to be held simultaneously. We heal our own hurt and anger parts as a part of the larger healing. We learn to speak our emotional truths and we learn to bear witness to the pain of other beings. They must BOTH be part of our spiritual growth for true liberation.
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